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- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter Q1 2021
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- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter Q1 2020
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- Odysseys Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q2 2018
- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q1 2018
- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q4 2017
- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q3 2017
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- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q1 2017
- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q4 2016
- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q3 2016
- Odyssey’s Quarterly Buyside Newsletter – Q2 2016
In this Newsletter
- Insights from Odyssey’s Private Equity Compensation Report 2021
- Connections between Firm Loyalty and Remote Working
- The Evolving Roles of Talent Partners
Sample Article
Everything will be OK in the end. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end.
– John Lennon
Even though many in the industry are finally taking some time off this August, after what for many has been 18 straight months of stressful work, there does not seem to be a widespread, feel-good vacation spirit in abundance. In addition to the news coming out of Afghanistan, a major concern is that the COVID virus, which was supposed to have been defeated by now, is making a global resurgence. Most firms had communicated to their teams that they would be expected back in the office after Labor Day, but with concerns surrounding the Delta variant, these plans are being pushed back. So, once again, we’re dealing with remote working scenarios, and on top of this, there is clearly a frenzied hiring market (and while employees are at home, it is even easier for them to interview for new roles.) The price of talent is ever increasing, fueled by incessant news this summer from investment banks announcing the raising of their base salaries.
In this newsletter, we aim to provide clarity in a couple of ways. First, we report on some of the figures coming out of our recent PE survey, and share actual compensation numbers, amidst all of the hype. We then share employee perspectives on firm loyalty and remote working, to offer insights for those working on back-to-office plans. And we take the industry’s pulse on diversity initiatives.
We finally take a step back and examine the expanding and evolving role of Talent Partners within Private Equity.
The Odyssey Team
Odyssey in the News
Odyssey Search Partners is a premier executive search firm founded in 2010 and led by Adam Kahn and Anthony Keizner. We specialize in placing investment professionals in the private equity, hedge fund, family office, and private credit sectors. Our expertise spans all levels of recruitment, from pre-MBA hires to Partners and Portfolio Managers. We approach every search with diversity in mind.
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